I'm a fan of poetry, but it is with great hesitation that I dip my toe into the world of writing a poetry review. While I've read a fair amount of it and studied it over the years, I still feel woefully under qualified to offer an informed opinion. Shouldn't one be able to scan a line, identify a form, etc. etc. etc. before one can weigh in on the merits of a particular poem or collection? In lieu of that knowledge, all that is left for me is to offer an emotional response to reading the work, and on that front I can say this book was a revelation. I found it consistently moving, emotional yet cerebral. While I can't identify the rhythms by name, I can say I felt the power of them confidently ushering me through the poems. A brand new collection of poems by a Black gay poet who explores hissexuality and coming of age images in fierce and taut lines. I wason edge while reading these poems as they get in your face. Writeshonestly about discovering his sexuality and his father'srevulsion and his varied hook-ups. The epigraph says it all:"The man in ecstasy and the man drowning--both throw up their arms"Kafka.
Do You like book Prelude To Bruise (2014)?
Easily one of my favorite poetry collections to come out this year.