About book Predatory Thinking: A Masterclass In Out-Thinking The Competition (2013)
This is chicken soup for the advertising and creative bunch. A collection of stories that revolve around a list of concepts relevant to advertising, creativity and business. Reminds you of Seth Godin's short daily blog posts.Even after reading the book description, I assumed this book would be heavy business related with some facts, tips, and just something else.But it was just stories to present an example of a concept. Sometimes the connection with the story seemed a bit loose, or perhaps confusing, but overall, a good presentation, and well written.I learned more about historical WW2 stories, than I did about relevant creativity concepts. More of less, you can summarize most of the stories into a list of 100 'how to be more creative, do well in business', but I guess that wouldn't absorb as well.Either way, this was a quick read. I don't believe I absorbed much, because I blazed through it. But a good quick read regardless. I liked this book a lot. Came to it accidentally after listening to a podcast with the same name given by the author at the London School of Economics. I loved the creativity and the examples that are given. Personally, with these examples I seem to learn best. The examples are really everyday but it makes you think about the simplicity of the every day life. And if you do, there are some valuable insights out there. I underlined quite a bit and will be reviewing my notes often. I really recommend this book, wish I did run into it earlier!
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Good life lessons written in a clear and simple way you're likely to remember...
You can open the book to any page and find a great story.