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Power Moves: Livin' The American Dream, USA Style (2013)

Power Moves: Livin' the American Dream, USA Style (2013)

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0062233238 (ISBN13: 9780062233233)
It Books

About book Power Moves: Livin' The American Dream, USA Style (2013)

Karl Welzein (a.k.a. @dadboner) is pretty much the best thing on all of Twitter. In book form, Karl Welzein is something slightly less, but still enjoyable, especially if you haven't read these in tweet form previously.Karl--in all of his overconfidence, alcoholicism, self-centeredness, and questionable taste--is a character like few others. Hard to like him, but easy to laugh at him, and sometimes pity him. The way he is written, full of goofball linguistic ticks, is exhilerating at 140 characters at a time, as you read it in real time. It's a little more stale on paper. My favorite parts usually revolve around Karl hanging with his friends, who are even more desperate, profane, and absurd than Karl himself. Dave and Cooter in particular are great foils. They make Karl look good. Sometimes I'll remember some part of an @dadboner bit and laugh out loud. And sometimes there is even a tiny part of me that wishes that I might have a swig of trunk liquor from from the back of a Sebring, rock out to some 1980s hair ballads, get some top shelf margs at 'Bees, and end the night by drinking a thousand beers, you guys. Thankfully, I can live vicariously through Karl. “Karl the main character of this farce would describe this book as being just packed full of bold flavors, and I have to agree. I could not put down this book as I was so aghast with how Karl lived his life and infatuated to see what he would do next. Karl is a middle aged man from Michigan who is determined to live his version of the American dream to the fullest, which usually means being super cool at all times and eating tasty treats that are full of bold flavors. He is so cool he had to write this instruction manual for the rest of us lame wads.”

Do You like book Power Moves: Livin' The American Dream, USA Style (2013)?

Very funny through most of the book but loses it's comedic steam towards the end.

The print version of 3:57 of Whitesnake's "Still Of The Night" you guys.

Karl is my hero

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