Do You like book Plexus (1994)?
I'm waiting until I finish the entire trilogy to write my full review. However I do have a few notes to make. There was little to no sex in this book! I know it's all saved for Sexus, but those sex scenes were so well written and so spectacularly erotic that I thought for sure some of that might seep into Plexus but no such luck. What impressed me the most was Miller's vocabulary. So much so that I kept a list of all the words he used that I had never seen before. I planned to look them all up later on in my huge old crumbling dictionary. And here is that list, it's fantastic:jeremiad, sisyphean, lied, horripilation, somnolence, efflorescence, plangent, ken, asperity, sorties, peregrinations, dithyrambs, colloquies, veridical, prestidigitator, lugubrious, semaphore, prate, cymbalon, bagatelle, mufti, pederasts, anent, sally, purlieus, fettle, jackanapes, palaver, celerity, sagacity, jocosely, cordon, viands, quorum, euchre, velleity, brogans, runneled, cortege, bantam, metempsychosis, limitrophe, steppes, verdure, lilliputian, eclosion, amanuensis, geodetic, quaternary, decan, thaumaturgists, fecund, circumlocutiousness (led me to prolix which I had to look up as well), acephalic, cantharides, crinology*, cacchination*, coterminous, cicerone, cimex (bedbug yuck!), lectularis*, cognomen, pasha, caparisoned, panoplies, verdigris, taboret, ructions, halvah, kirschwasser, strega, russe*, inveigle, arnica, cosmocrator, quoits, prepollent, parlous, anacoluthon, sesquipedalian (actually means one who uses long words LOL), gimcrack, socdolager*, gazabo, couvert, bonhomie, numismatics, celesta, telesme*, alderman, wend, thoracic, ablatives, gerundives, postprandial, palliation, dint, spifflicated, quondam, rambla, souks, encysted, funicular, bobolink, shandygaff, hodcarrier (hod was in the dictionary but not hodcarrier), tyro, chiffonier, auk, foraminifera, plaidoyer*, abstruse, samovar, porphyry, ebullition and percipience.The starred words are the ones I could not define. I actually looked up each and every one. Miller is a lingustic provocateur. His style continues to spellbind me.
—Kristin Rose
A very interesting story of Henry's struggles as a writer that I had a hard time putting down. I guess that this can be seen as another account of the struggling artist, but there was something about it that resonated with me. I would think that the general view would be that Henry should have buckled down and gotten a job, but somehow he manages to justify his leeching on Mona and his friends/family. Since I have only read this work by Henry Miller I can't say for sure, but I think that he lived the life he needed to live in order to be able to write what he did. Some people manage to have a job and write on the side, but there is something to Henry's words of "living everything" in order to know life enough to write about it. And he sure had some interesting stories to tell.
Plexus marchează începutul unei vieți noi alături de Mona, una în care Miller, eliberat de povara unui serviciu plătit, își poate începe activitatea efectivă de scriitor, deocamdată doar aspirant. Însă scrisul unei cărți și publicarea sunt amânate la nesfârșit, fiind înlocuite cu veșnicele întâlniri și discuții cu prietenii, huzureală – în rarele ocazii când au bani, soluții inventive de a face rost de o masă sau doar de câțiva dolari – în mult mai desele ocazii când sunt săraci. De altfel, seria neajunsurilor, a alergăturii după bani, a nopților pierdute și a subterfugiilor Monei pare să nu se mai termine...Mai multe pe
—Cărți și călătorii