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Perfectly Unique: Praising God From Head To Foot (2012)

Perfectly Unique: Praising God From Head to Foot (2012)

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4.23 of 5 Votes: 1
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0310724341 (ISBN13: 9780310724346)

About book Perfectly Unique: Praising God From Head To Foot (2012)

This is a book that I highly recommend for girls of all ages. Not only does each chapter break down how amazing each body part is, but it includes some that you never even think of. Shoulders have their own chapter guys. Also, I love how much scripture she uses to make the points. The guidelines are easy to follow. Highly recommend this to any girl or woman who needs to remember how awesome they are. Perfectly unique is a non-fiction book that could be easily a fiction one. If Annie would have chosen to hide her behind a fictional girl to give advices about how to honor God with your body, it would had been believable. However she decided to be honest and use her experience to help others.Annie creates a book that is perfect for young and adults. There is no age for being uncomfortable with your body, learning to love yourself and really be ok with who you are takes time and is not easy.Overall, is a fantastic book to help girls to learn and understand what true beauty is about. To help them comprehend that the outside is not everything, that true beauty begins inside us. The religious approach that the book has might be something that non-religious people will not like or it could be the argument for not reading this book. I’m not a religious person myself, but reading about the love the author has towards God and how her spirituality is a fundamental part of who she is, makes this book a good reading. The book also includes tips to learn to appreciate every part of you, funny personal stories, recipes and verses from the Bible. (I received an ecopy from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review).

Do You like book Perfectly Unique: Praising God From Head To Foot (2012)?

This book was excellent and every woman of faith should read it! :)

I received an ARC of this book via Zondervan's Good Teen Reads.

Very uplifting. It was a quick read and I enjoyed it.

Archive date not setPub Date: 1st Sept 2012

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