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Pearl Barley And Charlie Parsley (2008)

Pearl Barley and Charlie Parsley (2008)

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3.89 of 5 Votes: 1
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1590785967 (ISBN13: 9781590785966)
Front Street, Incorporated

About book Pearl Barley And Charlie Parsley (2008)

My head says I should give this one less stars, but my heart says five stars. I find Blabey speaks through his artwork perhaps even more clearly that his words. A wonderful little book.Looking at the contrast between two friends - the confident, noisy , outgoing, adventurous Pearl and the shy, introverted, scared Charlie. And how they are best friends :)Great for character descriptions , but there is more to this book that can be explored. Links to art and social skills development as well. Looks at the theme of friendship, and self acceptance/ self esteem, the uniqueness of each person , personalities and everyone being valid in their own uniqueness. It also somehow made me sad, because I don't think at school that we allow students to be as individual and expressive of their unique personalities as much as we could. There is so much to get through in their lessons that we don't always cater for students individuality and their creative approach to a learning task. this book is about two friends that are opposites. pearl barley is really up beat and energetic and charlie parsley is inroverted and calm. after showing how different they are, the book asks how they could possibly be friends. well as it turns out pearl’s energetic nature cheers charlie up when he’s down and charlie’ practial nature helps pearl out, at one point he puts mittens on her hands when she’s’s a good book about how opposites can attract and how you don’t have to be the same as someone to be their friend. the pictures are colourful and very expressive.

Do You like book Pearl Barley And Charlie Parsley (2008)?

Great for my small children who want everyone to be just like them.

Opposites in a friendship can make it stronger.

i luv this book!!!!!!!!!!

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