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Parenting Beyond Your Capacity: Connect Your Family To A Wider Community (2010)

Parenting Beyond Your Capacity: Connect Your Family to a Wider Community (2010)

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1434764818 (ISBN13: 9781434764812)
David C. Cook

About book Parenting Beyond Your Capacity: Connect Your Family To A Wider Community (2010)

Encouraging book on how to reach out and find others to help you parent, focusing on mentoring and the local church. Premise is to find others to walk along side of you while you are parenting your children. Glean information from people who have walked in your shoes before. Reach out to others who might mentor you and someone to mentor your child. Your children might speak to others about somethings that they might not speak to you about, especially in teenage years, so find quality, godly mentors for your children who can speak Christ into your children. Quotes that stood out to me as I read:FOREWARD"Anyone can have a child; being a parent takes hard work and prayer." (pg. 13)"A hundred years from now, your great-grandchildren probably won't even know your name. No one will care about what awards you won or how much money you made. The only thing that will matter is what kind of children you left behind and their influence on subsequent generations." (pg. 14)INTRODUCTION"One of the greatest ways you can impact the life of your child is to become intentional about partnering with others who can also have influence with your child." (pg. 19)"Your weaknesses as a paretn can work in your favor. they should remind you to pursue other influences for your family. Face this truth about parenting: Every parent has a different set of limitations." (pg. 20)Ch. 1 THE ORANGE PARENT"Many of us discovered soon after our children were born that our parenting toolboxes were missing some of the tools we needed to be effective at the job." (pg. 25)"It is quite ironic that we will use phrases or techniques that oue parents used on us, even though those approaches didn't work on us any better than they work on our kids." (pg. 25)"If parenting isn't a little intimidating, then maybe you don't really understand how critical your role is." (pg. 28)"We need to remember that our influence has more to do with our relationships with our children than it does our skills as parents." (pgs. 28-29)"Your role is not to impress your children or anyone else with your ability to parent; your role is to impress your children with the love and nature of God." (pg. 29)"Here is a sobering thought: Your present family will never be enough for your children." (pg. 29)"Your children one day will seek affirmation and approval from adults other than you. Either you can become intentional about enlisting other trusted adults to influence your kids, or you can depend only on your limited capacity." (pg. 31)"There are two powerful influences on the planeet - the church and the home. They both exist because God initiated them. They both exist because God desires to use them to demonstrate His plan of redemption and restoration. If they work together they can potentially make a greater impact than if they work alone. They need each other. Too much is at stake for either one to fail. Their primary task is to build God's kingdom in the hearts of men and women, sons and daughters." (pg. 33)

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This will stay on my shelf to review at least yearly.

Must read for parents or parents to be.

Very practical help in raising kids.

My favorite parenting book yet!

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