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Paper Angels (2011)

Paper Angels (2011)

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0446568236 (ISBN13: 9780446568234)

About book Paper Angels (2011)

This was such a powerful book. While Andy goes about living his ordinary life an angel often visits and shares some insightful wisdom. As he lays in the hospital recovering from an accident, he tells his story and lessons learned through some important objects in his woooden box the angel (which turns out being himself) told him to keep as reminders of God's purpose for him. The surprise ending blew me away. It gave me chills, and made me really think! I loved every part of this book and I couldn't put it down! Beatifully written book about how our lives happen to us, sometimes without us even realizing it. Author does a wonderful job of revealing just how the simple, everyday moments (which at the time seem so insignificant) when we look back on the story of our lives, they STAND out b/c that is when we were able to actually touch another human being. It does not take some HUGE ACT towards another human being, but our love for one another is shown in the smallest of gestures, a touch on the shoulder, a hug, sitting with someone in silence, a smile, a simple "hello, how are you?" but really meaning it. This book embodies all of this, fixing to start on a next book called Snow Days!!

Do You like book Paper Angels (2011)?

It was an interesting look at the people GOD place in our lives.

This was a very interesting that makes ya think!!

A great read.

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