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Pants (2005)

Pants (2005)

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0385609299 (ISBN13: 9780385609296)
David Fickling Books

About book Pants (2005)

This story is guaranteed to have the whole class in stitches. The book has lots of people and animals wearing different pants.It is a good book for introducing and learning about adjectives to children aged 3-6 After reading this book to my nursery class we talked about all the different pants in the book and I also asked the children to think of more wacky pants.The children then had to think of ideas for their own book called 'socks' they worked in groups to write adjectives on sock shaped paper.Children can also write pants poems using as many adjectives as possible. Pants is quite literally a book about pants. The book consists of vibrant illustrations and short rhythmic phrases that describe the pants. This light hearted book is great to read children in year 1. I remember the children often chose this book to read at storytime and as the text is easy to read and eye - catching, the children also like to join in to read it too. I think this book is great for inclusion, regardless if the child is a high flyer reader or a lower ability reader - it's one for all to enjoy.

Do You like book Pants (2005)?

It was the funniest book I have ever read. My favourite page is 'Run away from scary pants'.

I saw a bunch of 6-8 year old kids reading this together and they LOVED it.

Very funny British kids' book about underwear.

Love it!! :-)


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