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Palazzo Inverso (2010)

Palazzo Inverso (2010)

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3.65 of 5 Votes: 2
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0547239998 (ISBN13: 9780547239996)
HMH Books for Young Readers

About book Palazzo Inverso (2010)

Based on a series of Escher artwork, this book explores what happens when a boy turns an architect's plans upside-down! I like the way the book is designed--you read it up-side-up, then you read it up-side-down! It's fun to see how the pictures seen to change as you go back through the book. It's also interesting to see the Escher art scattered throughout. I'm not sure how kids would respond to it. I think they would like the creativity and the topsy-turvy aspects, but I think they might get lost in the story. This is a very creative and clever book! Inspired by the art of M.C Escher, Johnson has created a fun and different way to read a children's book. The story starts as a regular story but once you reach the end, you must turn your book upside down and continue to read the story back to the beginning. I love how the pictures worked both ways for each part of the story and I especially loved how the book tied together in the end with it starting with the beginning again. A very neat, unique children's book!

Do You like book Palazzo Inverso (2010)?

M.C. Escher style illustrations and a story that you read forward and then backwards. Loved it!!

Dizzying but enthralling. Larger on imagination, shorter on story.

A 3.5* for me. Interesting execution of the story.

Very unique book using reversal pictures.


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