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Padres Minimalistas: Como Disfrutar Más De La Vida Haciendo Menos (2013)

Padres minimalistas: Como disfrutar más de la vida haciendo menos (2013)

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3.12 of 5 Votes: 4
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About book Padres Minimalistas: Como Disfrutar Más De La Vida Haciendo Menos (2013)

Can't properly comment on this book, as I didn't finish it. It didn't take me long to realize this was not a book for me; my style of parenting is already somewhat similar to the style the authors are trying to encourage. I suspect this book is written more for working/professional moms, or the Type A Moms that keep their kid involved in 5+ different extracurricular activities. Hopefully this book will work better for them than it did for me. Decent book. Not mind-blowing, but not a waste of time. There were lots of good ideas for simplyfying parenting - app recommendations were particularly helpful - but I found this book less applicable than most. I live in Denmark, where the tendency to overschedule young 'uns isn't nearly as pronounced as it is in the US. The same goes for the high stakes "OMG my child must be valedictorian/captain of a sports team/volunteer abroad/etc, or they'll never get into an Ivy League" culture. In addition, my daughter is 8 months old. I'll certainly revisit this as she ages, but it wasn't revelatory. I also found the use of the "inner bus driver" phrase to be a bit precious. Seriously? Couldn't the authors have just called it "your instincts"?

Do You like book Padres Minimalistas: Como Disfrutar Más De La Vida Haciendo Menos (2013)?

Ah, parenting books. Always some good tips and some bad.

Nothing you couldn't find on various minimalist blogs.

Nothing groundbreaking, but solid info overall.

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