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Orwell's Luck (2000)

Orwell's Luck (2000)

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0618036288 (ISBN13: 9780618036288)
hmh books for young readers

About book Orwell's Luck (2000)

Author: Richard JenningsTitle: Orwell’s LuckDescription: The narrator (we never learn her name) finds a partially paralyzed rabbit on the morning paper on New Year’s morning, and determines to care for him until he is healed. This rabbit appears to have some special qualities, however. He may be communicating with her via the daily horoscopes. Review source: ALAPlot: Pretty cute. Will the rabbit send a message? Will the rabbit survive? Characters: Orwell, the rabbit, is significantly the only character in the book who actually has a name. Everyone else has a role: the mom, the dad, the sister, the cat, the dog, the neighbors. Writing style: Ostensibly narrated by a twelve year-old girl, this narrator is extremely well-spoken with a wide vocabulary. She is also thoughtful, entertaining plans at various points in the narrative to be a detective, a veterinarian, and a philosopher. Audience: I’d estimate 5th – 9th grades. It was a one-hour read for me, and I enjoyed it. Wrap-up: Pick it up if you enjoy clever, thoughtful YA lit, or if you have a middle-schooler who loves animals, reading, or both. 4/5*

This book is for everyone! A cute Rabbit shows up on a fall morning and he seams to not be able to move his feet. she names him Orwell. she brings him to the vet and treats him the best she can. after she brings him inside she reads her horoscope. she wakes up earliest in the family so she can read her horoscope. strage things start happening when Orwell, the rabbit of luck showed up on her door step. he stars comunacating with her from her horoscope, the weater and secret tap. I loved this book because the luck of the draw and hope is what keeps the sick bunny alive. PLEASE READ IT!

Do You like book Orwell's Luck (2000)?

What a quiet, quirky and poignant little book. The odd layout (one chapter flows into the next)stopped me at first but then I got so caught up in this story of a junior high age girl finding her way in this tumultuous world that I completely forgot all about that. I wasn't even troubled by the fact that none of the main characters, except for the injured rabbit nursed back to health (the Orwell of the title) is named. That in no way stopped my heart by being completely stolen by this unassuming and terrific book.

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