About book Ooh La La! French Women's Secrets To Feeling Beautiful Every Day (2000)
Though I gave it only three stars, I am glad I read it and would recommend it to any other Francophile who digs a decent "channel your inner French girl" theme. I knocked a couples stars off due to it reading more like a diary than her prior two books, and for some really poor arranging. Other than that I appreciated how she ended it - I just wish she had put that at the beginning and then formulated the book after it. I have read a few books that promise to expose the secret of the elusive French woman and enlighten us poor non-French souls, but I often feel they are writing about a different kind of French woman than the ones I see on a day to day basis in rural France. Because of this it would be fair to say that this subject interests me, but I am sceptical, especially as I know French women do get fat, just like the rest of us! However, this book was different. Jamie takes us with her on a journey through France where she meets and chats to some fantastic French women and picks up tips and advice on the way. As well as the chic Parisiennes we also meet French women from the provinces and while they all had something different to say on the subject of feeling beautiful, together they gave a real insight into what makes a French woman. I liked the personal feel of this book as Jamie really shared her travels and adventures with us, even when things didn’t quite go to plan.Thanks for a really thought provoking book Jamie, we are often searching for ‘something’ in life, but this book showed me you don’t always find it where you are expecting to. We have lived in France for nearly nine years and if I’m honest the longer I’m here the more I feel I will never be one of them. However this book made me realise that just through the simple things I love about my life in France and how being here has changed me, I had already found my ‘Ooh La La’. Maybe I am more French than I first thought, although I may need to rethink my lingerie collection to be really accepted.
Do You like book Ooh La La! French Women's Secrets To Feeling Beautiful Every Day (2000)?
I wanted to start the new year with something light-hearted and this certainly fit the bill!
In a similar vein as "French Women Don't Get Fat," this book is a light, fluffy read.
Not only for french women! Enlightening and fun to read at beach while relaxing!