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Only Child (2003)

Only Child (2003)

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1400030986 (ISBN13: 9781400030989)
vintage books

About book Only Child (2003)

Burke is finally back in the city where he belongs, reunited with his "family," and now living in a sweet apartment designed by the Mole. (There are not only panels that flash if someone is sneaking up the stairs, but FREE CABLE as well! This guy thinks of everything!)Running low on cash, Burke now needs to find a job. Before very long, one finds him. A Mafioso's daughter is dead. Was it a random killing, or was she murdered to send a "message" to her papa?I've been avoiding this series for a few years now. Anyone who's ever read a Burke book knows they can be, oh, let's say...a tad depressing. If you haven't read one, know that they are filled with really BAD THINGS, and most of them seem to happen to children. In other words, the books are just life real life. The saddest, most awful parts of real life.While this one won't make you think of sunshine, lollipops, and cute baby animals, it's not too bad on the "Scale of Bleakness." (Following up this title with a quick Terry Pratchett book should clear away any lingering clouds.)I had forgotten how much I truly love the supporting cast in this series; this collection of wounded and wonderful people that Burke has assembled in lieu of a family. I won't wait so long before visiting this bunch again.

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Andrew Vachss is a superb writer and a hell of a human being. I've watched his style evolve from his 1st published novel, FLOOD, to his recent books and his writing just keeps getting better and better. Charles Bukowski once said that the most difficult thing in Art is to create something simple. Vachss can say more in one sentence than most writers can say in a whole page; his prose is spare and lean, beautifully constructed, simple and terse. All of his books are worth owning. I was fortunate enough to have three autographed copies of his work, including ONLY CHILD, sent to me while I was a prisoner in the Washington State prison system and to see his handwriting extolling me to "Stay Strong" and "Come Home Soon" was a genuinely moving experience. He's the greatest.
—Raegan Butcher

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