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One Big Pair Of Underwear (2014)

One Big Pair of Underwear (2014)

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3.95 of 5 Votes: 5
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1442453362 (ISBN13: 9781442453364)
Beach Lane Books

About book One Big Pair Of Underwear (2014)

I picked up this book to read because who doesn't want see two cute bears sharing a large pair of underwear? I really wanted to read a kid's book that was completely about this storyline. Unfortunately, these cute bears in the large underwear were only in the first three pages of the book. The rest of the book is cute and does teach your child numbers in a creative way with really fun pictures but I really wanted to find out more about the bears and their underwear. Learning to share is hard, but it helps when you can see others sharing. That's what this fun and funny book is all about. A variety of animals find themselves in situations where they're always one short of a necessary item. Creatively they figure out how to make it up so everyone has fun. There are many fun visual jokes accompanying the imaginative renderings of the many activities. This would also make a good counting book.

Do You like book One Big Pair Of Underwear (2014)?

This was incredibly fun to read aloud! The second time, we counted along! Lovely!

This would be adorable in an animals or counting storytime!

My kids think this is sooooo funny!

so fun

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