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Once Upon A Second Chance (2012)

Once Upon A Second Chance (2012)

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3.93 of 5 Votes: 3
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1623429153 (ISBN13: 9781623429157)
Omnific Publishing

About book Once Upon A Second Chance (2012)

I love Persuasion. It’s my second favorite Austen to Pride and Prejudice, but only just barely. There’s so much to love about it – and by so much to love I mostly mean Captain Wentworth (and of course, The Letter). One of the biggest problems with Persuasion for many readers, though, is Anne. I like Anne. I get why she originally rejected Wentworth, why she let herself be swayed, why she ended up as the epitome of a wallflower in the years after. I get it, but it still makes her not as easy to fall head over heels in love with as a heroine.Anne is the main reason that I think modern Persuasion adaptations can be difficult. It’s hard to translate that kind of a character into something modern women will accept and identify with. This is why I was surprised and excited by the fact that I actually love the main character, Julia, in Marian Vere’s Once Upon a Second Chance.Like Anne, Julia rejects the love of her life, Nick Kerkley. She breaks their engagement based on the advice of her older sister who is a mother figure to her. Julia is young with a promising career in front of her and Nick is young and decidedly poor with nothing but big plans and dreams (and hard work and dedication) going for him.After Julia breaks off their engagement she never quite recovers. I loved that she didn’t just shrivel up and die, she also didn’t become quite Anne Elliot level of wallflower, but she was never really totally happy and she never let herself reach her full potential. It is so easy for a woman her age (or really for anyone) to put her career in neutral. Working, even doing well in their job, but never achieving their full potential. For me, Julia was a modern Anne I could relate to.Plus, Julia has a great voice. The story is written in first person and she has just enough humor, self-deprecating wit, and sense of irony to make it truly enjoyable to read her perspective.So, here we have Julia, cruising along in her comfortable job, love life on total hold, when who should walk back into her life? Nick Kerkley. In fact, he’s hired her firm to help him vet some property – property? Yes, Nick, like Captain Wentworth before him, has made good on all that potential. And he’s hot. Really, really hot. And not a total jerk. And he seems to be falling in love with Julia’s good friend and co-worker. Oh yeah, and Julia is still completely head-over-heels in love with him.Will Julia’s fairy godmother come to her rescue or will she have to make her own magic? Will Nick and Julia ever be able to work through their past and make a new future? Will this book leave you all warm and fuzzy? (The answer to that last question is YES!)Although this is a Persuasion retelling (and probably the best one I’ve read), you don’t at all have to be familiar with the original to enjoy it. However, for Janeites there are some fun moments and plot twists.So to sum up, Once Upon a Second Chance is a fun, breezy, and romantic modern take on Jane Austen’s Persuasion. Vere weaves together a story of rediscovering lost love with sweetness, sincerity, chic-lit sass, and just a sash of magic. A highly recommended read. So super cute! I know nothing about Persuasion, but it didn't matter, I loved it. It is a fluffy easy read, with an awesome, swoon-worthy hero who actually isn't a total ass.Shocking, I know.This one is really worth a read for any other romantics out there like me.The only thing I will say is that it is on the shorter side--just over 200 pages--and as such, I don't think it is worth the $16.99 price tag for the paper back. However, the ebook is only 5 bucks, and it is WELL worth that!(I know that pricing is not determined by the author, thus the price did not affect my rating or opinion of this book)

Do You like book Once Upon A Second Chance (2012)?

So sweet and charming! Perfect for vacation or snuggling under a warm blanket.

boring, slow, it was hard for me to finish

I love happily ever after stories!

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