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Once Upon A Royal Superbaby (2010)

Once Upon a Royal Superbaby (2010)

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3.56 of 5 Votes: 4
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0802721648 (ISBN13: 9780802721648)
Walker Childrens

About book Once Upon A Royal Superbaby (2010)

3rd, 4th, & 6th grade Read-aloud. I read this the week after the Royal Wedding because Kate and William will hopefully have a "Royal Superbaby" one day. It was a good way to discuss the wedding and the history because most kids watched it and had many questions. The kids LOVED the book and connected it back to the first book (Motercycle Dude). This is a great book to discuss the importance of collaboration between writers. We also discussed tone. A must read-aloud! A sequel to the great, Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude, Superbaby follows the adventures of Motor Cycle Dude and Princess Tenderheart's baby boy. And the two young authors who created the whole cast of characters. This time Superbaby's parents are kidnapped and he has to rescue them. What follows is a hilarious exchange as each young author in turn, takes the story off in a completely different direction. The story climaxes in a comprise that is at the same time cute and funny. While not as good as the original, Once Upon a Royal Superbaby is a chuckle filled sequel that both you and your child will enjoy.

Do You like book Once Upon A Royal Superbaby (2010)?

well it was good but not as good as rhe frist one and funny

I liked the first one way better, but its still a fun read to check out of the library...

Delightful children's book. I loved the robot unicorn with lasers coming out of its horn.

This was a really dumb book. That is all I have to say.

Cute, good for read aloud, and quite funny.

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