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On The Road To Find Out (2014)

On the Road to Find Out (2014)

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3.52 of 5 Votes: 5
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0374300143 (ISBN13: 9780374300142)
Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)

About book On The Road To Find Out (2014)

This book is so different from other YA titles. It's part coming of age, reacting to loss, and love story. The narrator Alice attempts to bounce back after being rejected by Yale... Oh, and she tries to become a runner. As someone who also randomly decided to become a runner, I could relate to Alice's frustrations and successes in her journey. There's also a powerful message in this story about how we bounce back from rejection and the pressures that our society puts on college admissions. I truly enjoyed this book, and I'm so grateful that it was recommended to me by a fabulous librarian! I didn't even want to rate or give any attention to this, but then I saw I had already added it to GoodReads when it arrived from the library. I want to be clear about it so none of my friends will waste time on it or think I'm recommending it in any. Not too much terrible content (though there's a bit of that, for example, talking about how great it is vets can euthanize a pet in pain, but isn't it terrible we can't do that to humans---aargh). But just ... not great.

Do You like book On The Road To Find Out (2014)?

Cute story, quick YA read. Could have done with less rat talk, but entertaining.

eeeh couldn't finish. got to bored and sick of the whining.

Peach Award (3.5 stars)


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