About book Objection!: How High-Priced Defense Attorneys, Celebrity Defendants, And A 24/7 Media Have Hijacked Our Criminal Justice System (2005)
As a writer - terrible. Book is disorganized and repetitive. HOWEVER...I hated Nancy Grace without even knowing much about her. My knowledge of her persona was limited to the fact that anytime her face would appear on the screen during my CNN time it was time to switch channels. Her obnoxious and rude personality visible, in what she called TV "arguments" (although it is mostly Nancy screaming and someone else keeping their composure trying hard not to laugh) were overbearingly annoying. This book helped me understand a bit more and my EXTREME annoyance turned to sympathy and understanding. If not anything else, she has to be given credit for being so passionate about something as to sacrifice so much of herself (in the initial stages of her career - I'm sure she is doing quite well at this point).
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