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Not Quite The Classics (2013)

Not Quite the Classics (2013)

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3.55 of 5 Votes: 4
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0670066575 (ISBN13: 9780670066575)
Viking Canada

About book Not Quite The Classics (2013)

This book was so much fun! I have been a fan of Colin Mochrie since the days of Who's Line Is It Anyway? And in Not Quite the Classics I was treated to his hilarious wit in this refreshing collection of re-worked classic tales. Taking the first and last lines from classic stories, Colin Mochrie filled in the blanks between them with his own brand of story-telling - adding twists and turns both expected and not. If you're looking for something both light, highly entertaining and a little bit different to read, Not Quite the Classics will be well worth your time. I have loved Colin's work for a long time now and I wasted no time in getting this book when it came out. Classics are not my favorite books to read but I knew that Colin would give then his usual humorous twists. I was not disappointed. I have to admit that there was one or two stories that I did not enjoy too much but the others had parts that had me giggling and laughing. Only Colin could come up with some of the random, funny things that are written in this book. My favorite story was A Tale of Two Critters.

Do You like book Not Quite The Classics (2013)?

Great concept with mostly mixed results. The Night before Xmas tale, and Sherlock stories were good.

3.5 stars. Some of the stories were really funny, some were "meh." Still worth reading, though.

Very funny. Could read again and still find parts to laugh at.

I laughed a lot. I think that says it all!

a fun read!

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