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Nor Iron Bars A Cage (2013)

Nor Iron Bars a Cage (2013)

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4.19 of 5 Votes: 2
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M/M Romance Group @ goodreads

About book Nor Iron Bars A Cage (2013)

This book was extremely sweet and very involving, if that makes any sense. Lyon grabbed my heart and as he went through the pains of his traumas, I felt sick for him. When he made bad decisions or struggled, I hoped he would do otherwise. Throughout the book you could see Lyon grow with Tobin's sweet nd patient care, but you could also witness a subtle progress in Tobin, how he grew more caring about Lyon. In some moments I found it slightly drawn out, but it was greatly compensated with suspense packed moments, that would have perhaps overwhelmed the story, had there been less 'fillers', although they were't really as still controbuted to the story.Overall extremely sweet and heartwarming, although since themes such as self-harm, rape and torture are present and especially in the beginning very evident, I would perhaps reconsider this if that makes you uncomfortable. I didn't expect it, and found myself rushing trough said scenes with a sick feeling in my stomach.Otherwise a great book, that deserves all the stars it gets. Kaje never disappoints. This is a finely crafted story, character driven with a great plot. Lyon has been hiding from the world for 15 years because of terror in his past. One day, that past comes knocking at his door, metaphorically as well as literally. It's a great examination of PTSD and moving forward, set in a fantastical realm where sorcery is real, but the characters and plot are rooted in realism. So many other authors would have gone for melodrama, but not Kaje. There's drama, yes, but there's hope and compassion and a light to balance the dark. Excellent read!

Do You like book Nor Iron Bars A Cage (2013)?

I can't believe this book was free! It was sweet, hot, and suspenseful.

It was really good. I loved how lion - boy found himself again.

Loved it. The charcters were amazing.

Enjoyable romantic fantasy.

Nope. ಠ▃ಠ

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