I received a copy of "Nobody's Child" directly from the author, Austin Boyd. I was extremely excited to get this book, and I read it as soon as I finished another book. I started this book in the bathtub, like I start most new books- Let me tell you, this was a long bath. I just could not stop reading this book. Austin Boyd had a way of pulling me into this book, almost like an addiction, if you will say. Thanks for this! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. Even though it is fiction it gives real to life consequences of what happens when we, as humans, choose to mess with God's design. Laura Ann is between a rock and a hard place. Her father is dying of cancer and needs some very expensive medication. The farm which has been in their family for years is in a financial bind due to her father's illness. To generate the income she doesn't have, she sells a part of herself. Although, she was brought up in church and taught to trust that God would always provide, she gets caught up in the advertisements for the quick cash she needs. Needless to say it wasn't all it was cut out to be. As the story goes on, the plot only gets deeper. In a sad turn of events, Laura has to make some tough choices, and someone else wants her child badly enough to take some very drastic measures. I don't want to give away the whole book, but it is certainly worth the read. The challenges of faith verses bioethics is very interesting topic, considering the ideas present in today's society. This book really gets a person to thinking about these things and how they affect God's design for our lives. Is this part of His plan or are we taking matters into our own hands?? I received this book free from Zondervan Publishers for the purpose of my honest review. And I can definitely say, I was very impressed with it.
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