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No Substitute For Murder (2000)

No Substitute for Murder (2000)

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About book No Substitute For Murder (2000)

Barbara Reed really needs a job so she becomes a susbtitute teacher. There she stumbles across the body of another teacher and the police have her on their list of suspects. While dealing with her class of unruly students, she is watching and listening to the other teachers to decide who might be the killer. It seems this murdered teacher has a lot of people who might have wanted him dead, so the list of suspects is long. And she never thinks she will find another body!This book was filled with mystery, romance and humor. I'm looking forward to reading more books with these characters.FTC Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author hoping I would review it. As a former educator, I have to admit that Carolyn Rose's account of subsitute teaching cracked me up, mostly due to her humor. The first character she introduces is Wilhemina Frost, affectionately called Big Chill, who schedules subs for teachers. I could swear I worked with this woman for six years. LOL. And who among us hasn't worked with someone who was "a festering boil on the backside"?I enjoyed the main character, who admitted to having "a water glass figure" and her narration about subbing and getting herself involved in a murder investigation through no fault of her own.I giggled throughout the novel, vowing to read another book by Carolyn Rose. If you enjoy a mystery with plenty of chuckles, check out No Substitute for Murder.

Do You like book No Substitute For Murder (2000)?

Quick, fun read. Loved the quiz questions at the beginning of each chapter.

Book Club pick... Rather wacky light reading

Cute cozy mystery with a surprise ending

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