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No Regrets Parenting: Turning Long Days And Short Years Into Cherished Moments With Your Kids (2012)

No Regrets Parenting: Turning Long Days and Short Years into Cherished Moments with Your Kids (2012)

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1449410944 (ISBN13: 9781449410940)
Andrews McMeel Publishing

About book No Regrets Parenting: Turning Long Days And Short Years Into Cherished Moments With Your Kids (2012)

The only part of this book I found remotely interesting was the fact that it said "There are only 940 Saturdays between a child's birth and her leaving for college...if your child is five years old, 260 Saturdays are already gone." And that is only likely because my daughter is about to be 5. The remainder of the book was spent telling you it would give you great ideas in the scond half of the book, which I felt was lacking. Basically a reminder to unplug and prioritize while you still can. I read the first half and just skimmed the second half since it wasn't age appropriate for my boys. Thankfully, this book didn't make me feel guilty. Always a plus. I liked the reminder that even though we can be with our kids all the time, that doesn't necessarily mean we're really getting quality time together. I really focused on "being in the moment" today and felt the difference. I was happier and more fun, thereby making Brady happier and more fun. When I played with Austin on the floor, I made sure I was LOOKING at Austin, and not the dust on the table or the toys that needed to be picked up. I need to read this a couple times a year to refocus.This really addresses my greatest fear: the passage of time. I must make the most of the time I have with my children before they leave home! Ugh...I can't even think about it. Boo.

Do You like book No Regrets Parenting: Turning Long Days And Short Years Into Cherished Moments With Your Kids (2012)?

Great recommendations for getting the most time with your kids.

Great reminders of all the ways we can be there for a child.

Lots of great ideas to spend quality time with your kids!

Intuitive yet enlightening.

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