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No Less Than Victory (2009)

No Less Than Victory (2009)

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0345497929 (ISBN13: 9780345497925)
Ballantine Books

About book No Less Than Victory (2009)

This book, along with the other two novels in this trilogy, are exceptional!! Shaara writes excellently and the reader can become engrossed in the storylines that are based on actual events with the touch of fiction that Shaara is famous for. If you wanted to read something of World War II, but did not want to be bogged down in the facts and pace of a history book, then Shaara gives you an outlet to read something that can teach as well as entertain. Shaara uses many sources in order to get the facts correct while reminding that this is a novel since he writes about what the characters think, which is, of course, fiction. I heartly recommend this book along with all of Shaara's work. I thoroughly enjoyed how this book transports you into the mind of (1) a bombardier tasked with flying deep into enemy territory during the Allied bombing campaign of Nazi Germany, and (2) a green private sent into a "quiet" stretch of the front lines as an introduction to combat - only to be thrust into the Battle of the Bulge.This last book in Shaara's WWII trilogy also continues to depict Eisenhower's people management skills and the delusions and dysfunction of Hitler's regime.As in the first two books, Paul Michael's narration is first rate.

Do You like book No Less Than Victory (2009)?

Jeff Shaara provides amazing insight into both sides in this war.

Great book in a great series. All three will hold your interest.

Trying not to compare him to his father, but meh.

A must read for everyone

great book!

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