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Nini Lost And Found (2010)

Nini Lost and Found (2010)

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3.68 of 5 Votes: 2
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0375858806 (ISBN13: 9780375858802)
Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers

About book Nini Lost And Found (2010)

Mommy's review from 9/30/11 - I loved the coloring in the illustrations here but I didn't care for how they were broken up. I can't complain too much because they did pare well with how the story was written.This is a very simple story of a cat who leaves her home and on her short adventure she finds some things she likes - and some things she doesn't.Nini gets home safely of course and all is well. The story is very short with the text being larger than usual. This book is one of our Mock Caldecott contenders but, honestly, I was unimpressed. The story was not very fresh, and the illustrations were nice but not strikingly so. I was turned off by the repeated use of the phrase "bad animals", the animals that were potentially preying on Nini. It bothers me when children's books portray predators as evil or mean or bad. It is the food chain, the cycle of life, not a matter of good vs. bad. Children will have a much better and healthier view of the world if they are taught that this is natural (even if they continue to hope their cat comes out on top).

Do You like book Nini Lost And Found (2010)?

Beautiful! A small adventure, but beautifully illustrated and designed. Great for cat-lovers! PS-K

A must for cat fanciers.

Beautiful illustrations.

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