In comparison with the first book I have to say I found this book a bit disappointing. It did not quite live up to my expectation. I think part of the problem was the fact that the first book had ended upon such a high and suspenseful note I was in anticipation to see what would happen next, only to find that this book was not a continuation of the first but more of a prequel going back in time. At the onset I did not find this book to be as captivating as the first, and to me it did not seem as if the story was quite as complex, or the characters as well developed. The story did start off rather slowly and the first half of it or so read a bit like a rune of the mill, dime a dozen paranormal romance (and I was expecting more from this author) in which little happened but the erotic exploits of Maeniel whom while I really enjoyed in the first book fell a little flat for me in this book.Though as the story advanced it did become more engaging, and it picked up more and I loved the character of Lucius whom became one of my favorites within the book. One of the things which I most enjoyed about this book was the information provided on the fashion and dress of Ancient Rome, I really liked those bits of historic trivia which the author offered.
While I recall the first of this series thrilling me with its Roman historicity and intrigue, I am left wondering if I enjoyed it so much because it was several years ago and my reading tastes were not nearly as refined, nor my sense of literary excellence so sharply honed. Borchardt really shares quite a lot with her sister Anne Rice in regards to style, meaning she tends toward the overwrought and over done. I wanted more from her characters, was rather bored with the usage of Caesar as a character and the plotting surrounding him, and felt like the historical detailing of food distracted from the flow of the novel - especially as I flipped through my unabridged Oxford dictionary to find out what piece of a pig's lower intestine they were consuming. The wolfish perspective provided by Maeniel, the dark gray eyes of innocence who transitions from wolf to man, was the most fascinating part of the novel, something I enjoyed because urban fantasy written now is almost entirely built upon humans becoming wolves and not the other way around, something I've always felt was lacking. The potential for using that perspective as a commentary on our world is vast, but unfortunately, Borchardt did so only shallowly.
Do You like book Night Of The Wolf (2000)?
There really is such a thing as too much detail. I remember Enjoying The Silver Wolf but honestly I'm really not sure what went wrong with this one. Maeniel (our intended/supposed protagonist) ended up in the background a lot past the halfway point, plot-lines were rushed or ended in an unsatisfactory fashion and the author spent far too much time showing off how many different flowers, colours and foods she knows, as well as overly decorative ways to describe physical intimacy. I felt like my time was being wasted, which was a shame, I had expectations that just were not met.Honestly I think the only reason I'm giving this two stars is because I enjoyed the character of Lucius and the book did make me laugh a couple of times.One last thing. Alice Borchardt? Please research wolves a little more thoroughly before you try to educate a reader with your narrative. Wolves do mate for life. Period.
Not at all what I was expecting. Slower than the second one and more confusing. No clear explination on how the wolf is first transformed into a man. Most of this book was veiled in reference and the metaphorical than actual facts so that was frustrating.Hard to get through, I really had to force it in the begining, althought towards the middle end of the book it did get better. Not was good as the next one, but despite the rocky start it was ok.I hope the third one is better, although to be honest I don't think I'll be hunting down her other books...
—Forgotten Realms Queen
This is labeled second in the Legends of the Wolf series. I read the first one back in 2009 and enjoyed it and just got around to reading the next one. For at least half, i was so confused! At first i thought well is that because it's been years since i read the other? But finally i realized, this is a PREQUEL! Oooh! This story shows us when Maniel the wolf starts to get kind of a slightly human awareness. However, this is no werewolf story. He is a wolf first. A wolf that can change into human form, not the other way around. It's slow. So slow. It finally picks up and we see some interesting Roman history and also about the people they subjugated but it only stays interesting for a very short while. By the end I was just skimming. I have the third book to read, which is actually the sequel to the first. So, hopefully that will be more interesting. Oh and the author is Anne Rice's sister (or, was, as she passed away). Don't expect Anne Rice quality from her, they're two separate people.