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Night Of The Juggler (1979)

Night Of The Juggler (1979)

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3.09 of 5 Votes: 5
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0425030733 (ISBN13: 9780425030738)
berkley medallion

About book Night Of The Juggler (1979)

This was a re-read (actually an audiobook listen) after I had read this some years ago. The book is well constructed, with a riveting theme. However, the characters are almost all one-dimensional stereotypes. The book also suffers from the author's tendency to repeat himself, in case the reader wasn't paying attention first time round. Finally, without giving any of the plot away, the Juggler's plan to get hold of the victim depended on a massive series of coincidences, which not only came off, but have similarly come off for the prior 4 years! I don't mind some leeway with improbability, but this was a little too absurd.

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