“Noticia De Un Secuestro” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez was a novel based upon a woman who was kidnapped in Bogota, Colombia. I have a deep passion for books that deal with crime and drug cartels. I strongly belief more authors should focus on writing books that relate to the modern world. I was hooked up effortlessly because the title states the word “kidnap” and I deeply enjoy this issue. What made this book a decent story was it was based on a true story. The kidnaping and all the murders that this book stated had once occurred. The suspense in this book was visible because you never knew if the victims were going to die or if the kidnappers were going to spare their lives. This book made me realize how short life is. Life is like a rose it can be beautiful if you give it water and care; however, if you don’t pay attention to it can easily come apart and die out. tMaruja is the main character of this story and she is a Columbian journalist who tends not to review news related to drug cartels. One night after she had finished her daily routines she came about two cars with armed men inside. She was kidnap as well as her passenger friend Beatriz. Both were sent far away from the city into the countryside. Later on they met other victims who had been kidnaped for months. They were limited on food and water. Cigarettes never went empty. Within days the entire Colombian country knew about the kidnaps of Maruja and Beatriz. After harsh battles the drug cartels were releasing victims slowly not telling the victims it was all a trick. The leaders of the drug cartels ordered them to kill them one by one until Maruja and Beatriz were dead. Both Maruja and Beatriz know death is approaching. This book will fit a person who loves politics and crimes.tThe book kept a steady suspense. I would recommend to the author to focus more on the kidnap rather than talking about the political issues that were being present at the time of the kidnap. There were time when I picked up the book and put it back because I was tired of reading about politics and not the kidnap. I will give some credit regarding the usage of details. When victims were shot I felt as if the exact same bullet impact me as well. Overall it was a fair book to read.
At the end of 1990, journalists and other personalities related to the government were kidnapped in Colombia. Behind those kidnappings was druglord Pablo Escobar, who wanted to avoid the extradition of drug terrorists to the United States of American, a law being signed by the government at the time. So, to apply some pressure, Escobar and his gang decided to kidnapp prominent Colombians. Maruja Pachón, journalist at the time and then Minister of Education, was one of them. She was kept in captivity for six months, and it was her idea to get her story into a book, so she asked Gabriel García Márquez to do it for her. But in the end, García Márquez wrote, not only about what had happened to Maruja, but also to the other hostages, and what led to those kidnappings and how everything ended, including the efforts the hostages' relatives made for their release.I'm not really into non-fiction books, but I was really curious about this one and, to be honest, was not a bit disappointed. Is it enough to say I devoured the book? The story is nerve-wrecking, heart-wrenching, the description of a nightmare. Nonetheless I found it a true page-turner and had a real hard time putting the book down. I felt immensely sorry for the hostages and there were times I had tears in my eyes due to the intensity of the situation. I can't imagine what must have been to those people, but this book gives a good idea of the nightmare that people go through with a kidnapp.García Márquez has done once more (for me), this time with a non-fiction book, and this one is going to my favourites. Oh, and I do recommend it to everyone.
Do You like book News Of A Kidnapping (1998)?
What a book! There were times I had to keep reminding myself this was a true story recounted by one of the world's best story-teller not a made-up story. Sometimes I got a little lost in the politic wrangling that went on but Garcia Marquez keeps the story moving with the individual tales of the characters. Truly a great read and I am not a fan of crime stories but reality changes this tale.GM sat down and interviewed most of the people involved with the 1991 mass kidnapping by Pablo Escobar so there was a lot of poignant detail here. The Columbian government wanted to extradite Escobar, at the time the world's leading drug lord. He waged a war of violence on the country which revealed that the Columbian police were just as guilty. The saddest part was hearing how many people died over this incident. This happened two decades ago and it led to Escobar's demise and finally a transition to peace in Columbia. I never knew how pivotal this event was but seeing as GM wrote about this, underscores its importance. When will it happen in Mexico?
تا به حال کتابی از مارکز نخونده بودم. این کتاب رو هم چون میرحسین موسوی توصیه کرده بود خوندم تا با شرایط غیرانسانی زندانی شدن و حصر در مکانی غیر از زندان های رسمی آشنا بشم. از لحاظ آشنایی با فضای سخت و دردناک حبس و حصر، واقعا تکون دهنده و دردناک بود. اما از لحاظ ادبی و داستانی و جذابیت، به نظرم خیلی جذاب نبود و یه داستان خیلی خیلی معمولی بود که لازم نبود اینقدر طولانی باشه و میشد به جای ۳۵۰ صفحه، در ۱۵۰ صفحه هم همین موضوعات رو مطرح کرد.
—Hamidreza Hosseini
غابرييل غارسيا ماركيز..خبر إختطاف.. قصة الرواية حقيقية جرت أحداثها في كولومبيا سنة 1990 ،، حيث تم إختطاف مجموعة من الصحفيين وذوي المسؤولين الحكوميين من قبل جماعة (أسكوبار) تاجر المخدرات والمجرم الشهير..تبدأ الرواية بعملية خطف سريعة ل (ماروخا) زوجة (بيياميثار) وأخته (بياتربث) .. ثم تجري الرواية بشكل دراماتيكي ومثير حقيقة ووصف للحالة النفسية المخطوفين وذويهم بأسلوب أدبي مشوق ،، وكذلك الترتيب الزمني لإحداث بشكل متقن أضاف للرواية الكثير من المتعة والترقب..الرواية ستكون جيد لمن لم يسمع بالقصة ومجرياتها وكيف ستنتهي الاحداث،، أما من يعرف تفاصيل القصة الحقيقية فلا بأس بقرائتها والتعرف على أسلوب ماركيز في سرد أحداث القصة..
—Araz Goran