The herione was simply tstl! In fact she's the definition of tstl! Honestly I haven't read about a stupider herione. Yet. Lindsay (our herione) is an heiress, her mother wants her to get married to a duke(penniless, gambler duke after her dowry). Lindsay wants to open a detective agency(?!?!?!?!)She surely is the worst detective on earth. She's convinced that our hero, the earl of Mansfield(who is a reallly sweet guy) is the murderer. BASED ON CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE ONLY. Did I mention she's too stupid to live? Well, our hero is actually a bow street runner, investigating the murders the herione ASSUMES he has committed. The earl also has a 15 year old crippled ward, Jocelyn, to whom he is sooo sweet. Seeing his behaviour towards Jocelyn, Lindsay CONSIDERS( several times) that he MAY not be the murderer. But due to the weakest circumstantial evidence ever, she still believes he's the murderer. My reaction through most of the book-"Die Lindsay!!!"Although she lusts after the hero throughout the book( for about 75% of the book, may more, she believes he's the murderer). Well as I mentioned, the bitch is TSTL. I would pity the people who would consult her detective agency for solving any crime. She'll probably arrest a bow street runner investigating the same crime(old habits die hard)Two stars just for the hero. If you think its an adventure book(like I was stupid enough to believe,) don't pick it up. It's soo not worth the headache and sudden urge to throw your kindle across the room. This was my first book by this author, won't be reading a book by her for quite some time. My advice- Reread a Julia Quinn or Suzanne Enoch. You'll be happier and less suicidal :P . I stopped at page 116; before the beginning of chapter 11 -- I really did give it a fighting chance. I didn't feel a connection between Thane or Lindsey. The main characters going their merry way trying to solve a murder mystery. Just a snoopy girl with too much time and money on her hands. And how does a 18/20 year old girl during that time period sneak out of the house, by herself, and pretend to be a maidservant to an earl? That didn't fly with me. And then get back home unnoticed?*yawn* boring
Do You like book Never Trust A Rogue (2010)?
Book 'N' of the A to Z Romance Challenge. It was cute. A light, fun read set in Regency England.
Lots of unnecessary repetition and cardboard characters.