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Never Too Hot (2010)

Never Too Hot (2010)

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4.11 of 5 Votes: 5
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0440245028 (ISBN13: 9780440245025)

About book Never Too Hot (2010)

I liked Conner.Ginger I was mostly ambivalent towards. I don't know, I wish I had finished the book last week when the bulk of it was still fresh, as since I've had the weekend of not listening to it, I've forgotten most of my thoughts.This book was really two stories in one. It was Conner and Ginger's story (which is what I was expecting), and it was also Conner's father, Andrew and Isabelle's story. Which I honestly didn't give a flying frig about.Isabelle was annoyingly hung up on a relationship from over 30 years in the past. Had she and Andrew actually had sex, I could almost see a reason for the hung up status, but come on... they didn't even actually have sex. It was a first teenage love. Get the fuck over it already. Move on. So I was pretty much annoyed at how much that plot took over the book.Throw in her annoying teenage son, and ugh. I would have skimmed had I been reading it and not listening.All in all... mehhh. Though like I said, I liked Conner. Dealing with his PTSD, and physical traumas were a lot more interesting to me than the romance between his dad and his ex girlfriend. Connor is a strong and sexy male. Tortured, virile, talented. Andre loves to give her ladies zest but Ginger failed to sell me talented painter. Waitress I believed. I liked this book but didn't love it. The steamy scenes are well worth the read. Knowing full well this book would feature a fire, I was fatigued by the presence of fire fighting by this 3rd book in the series. I sort of liked that they told Connor he couldn't come back. I thought I could escape another fire scene. Nope. I also liked the romance between Andrew and Isabela. That was endearing and hopeful.

Do You like book Never Too Hot (2010)?

Enjoyed this couple, ups and downs, struggling through personal issues. Felt real, touching.

I lost my review, because GR is a dork. Blah.

I liked the setting in the Adirondacks.

Loved it. Great series.

it was ok.. still hot

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