About book Nekoke Feruto No Hon: Uchi No Neko To Tsukuru Kantan Hando Kurafuto (2009)
This book shows you how to felt items with cat hair. Some cute ideas but no "real" crafts - except for the cat finger puppets, it's just embellishments. Especially not useful for me, since someone I live with is full of cat allergies.The REAL reason to read this book is for all the adorable Japanese cats. And when I say adorable, I mean ADORABLE. This whole book is adorable, as is the writing. are you kidding me?AAAAARRRRRE YOOOOOU KIDDDDING MEEEE???this is the best book ever. and i know i say shit like that a lot, because i am excitable as all hell, but seriously - what would ever be able to top this? this is a book that teaches you how to make crafts using cat hair. CAT HAIR! which is FREE! and which i already have in abundance! it is almost too easy! because i am mad poor right now, after paying my way through grad school. and relatively cheap grad school, to show you how poorly off i am. but i can make christmas presents out of cat hair for all of you! now if only i could find a book that magically grew time. there is a book on growing thyme, but it is pretty useless. unless you want to grow thyme, in which case it is perfect.but back to cat hair! now all i need is a book that tells me how to make crafts out of cat vomit, and i am totally set! I LOVE YOU JAPAN!!!DADDY, DON'T READ THIS REVIEW, OR YOU WILL RUIN CHRISTMAS!!OH NO, TOO LATE???that caveat should probably gone at the beginning of the review.
Do You like book Nekoke Feruto No Hon: Uchi No Neko To Tsukuru Kantan Hando Kurafuto (2009)?
This book is definitely Japanese. It's kinda funny but I'm not sure it was meant to be.
Yay! Now I can make cute stuff with all the fur lying around my house.
The best book I have read on making things out of cat hair.