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Ne T'en Va Pas (2013)

Ne t'en va pas (2013)

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3.6 of 5 Votes: 2
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2732454176 (ISBN13: 9782732454177)
La Martinière Jeunesse

About book Ne T'en Va Pas (2013)

Okay, wow, what to say? This book was...intense. I honestly am not sure what to think about this book. Aaaaahhhhh.Céce and Mack's relationship seemed just a bit unhealthy to me. But it also seemed loving.I don't like the ending though. I just am kind of torn. I want to really like this book, but I don't know if I can.Aaahahhah. I.Just.Don't.Know.I mean, the book was good and all, I just don't know if it has a particularly good message. Mack, the criminal, tries to corrupt Céce, the good student. Maybe my problem is that I like to see the good things in life. I want to see characters succeed, even if they're fictional. I just can't seem to grasp what happened to Mack. (And what he did to Céce)It was a good book. Trash can.******************************Okay. It's been a day since I wrote the review above. This book left me thinking. And I've finally come to a conclusion.I didn't love it. But I wanted to. But I can't.I can't think about this book anymore or my brain will explode.Eeehhhhhhhhhhh. The writing took more than half the book to get used to. And that's really what irked me. But otherwise Stay With Me was a tragically heartbreaking novel. Mack is good at heart but he has violent rages that he can't control. They come with static sounds. When he meets Cece, they find love and solace in each other's arms. Finally a place to belong. However it all gets ripped away when Mack makes a mistake; one he can't take back. A mistake that jeopardizes his future with Cece. The style and structure of the book didn't seem very well done. It was a risk the author took and it really didn't pay out. At times the novel was painstakingly boring and the characters seemed so damn irritating. The characters seemed all so old and young at the same time it became confusing. The plot was heartbreaking but how it was written and structured it just didn't do the plot any justice. Mack and Cece didn't really resonate with me and I think Ant was the only character besides Vic I seemed to like a bit.

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I thought the book would be great, but while reading half of it, I wasn't really into to it.

absolutely gripping, emotional and a book I will not forget in a hurry!

one of my top 5 books!

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