About book Nanny Piggins And The Wicked Plan (2009)
So much fun! The story goes every which way, with hilarious, goofy, and absurd incidents that defy reason and the laws of nature and physics and offer no edifying lessons about morality. Nanny Piggins is the anti-Mary Poppins, the anti- Mrs Piggle Wiggle. The particular charm of the book is the fantastic and silly things in it that you can see in your imagination: imagine a ten-foot bear driving a convertible with his eyes shut because the bugs keep flying into them and a boy sitting next to him to tell him which way to turn, careening around the countryside with Nanny Piggins in Back, snout high, sniffing for a buried cache of truffles. Or a gang of Swedish pigs crossing into Belgium to berate a man who hasn't taken a bath in months. (It makes sense in the story, really.) I hope my daughter finally gives it back--she started reading it and took it away so I haven't finished it yet! This is the 2nd installment of Nanny Piggins and her shenanigans ..lol It was really nice to read something so light hearted after Wild Swans.Mr.Green plays a bit more of a focus point in this novel because he's usually up to 'no good' as they see it.I just love the style this book is writen in..Free flowing and fun. I've managed to make quite a few people fall in love with the Nanny Piggins series, including a class of Grade 2 children..haha XDThe only thing I didn't really enjoy was repeating some things about the characters..But I learnt this can amuse children..So, I really can't judge :P
Do You like book Nanny Piggins And The Wicked Plan (2009)?
Best nanny ever!! If you need a good laugh, try Nanny Piggins, you won't be sorry!!
Loved reading this with my daughter. So fun and entertaining.