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Naked In Dangerous Places: The Chronicles Of A Hungry, Scared, Lost, Homesick, But Otherwise Perfectly Happy Traveler (2009)

Naked in Dangerous Places: The Chronicles of a Hungry, Scared, Lost, Homesick, but Otherwise Perfectly Happy Traveler (2009)

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0307396355 (ISBN13: 9780307396358)
Broadway Books

About book Naked In Dangerous Places: The Chronicles Of A Hungry, Scared, Lost, Homesick, But Otherwise Perfectly Happy Traveler (2009)

I'm not sure how it's a "snarky Hollywood tell-all" when no names are used.. Seems to me that it's more a "humorous inside look at a 'reality' TV show and the surrounding chaos."Not quite as funny as "The Sex Lives of Cannibals," it's a humorous look at life on the road with "reality" TV in out-of-the-way places. It's not a documentary and probably not quite entirely true, but it's a humorous memoir, not a research paper.Overall a good summer vacation read, especially if you're in to travel and TV (or, as I am, dismayed by "reality" TV.) Every year for Christmas my sister gets me a funny travelogue book such as this one. Unfortunately unlike the others I have read the past few years, the narrator here comes across as quite unlikeable. I had no idea who Cash Peters was before I read this book but coming out of it I discovered that our humble guide was nothing more than a whiny dullard. (Which may be his shtick?) There are a few interesting anecdotes and stories here and there but nothing really worth spending your time on. There are better options out there if you enjoy these sorts of things.

Do You like book Naked In Dangerous Places: The Chronicles Of A Hungry, Scared, Lost, Homesick, But Otherwise Perfectly Happy Traveler (2009)?

Very funny story of a reluctant traveller & reality cable show. Not unlike Martin Troost.

Cash Peters is very funny!


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