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My Soul Keeper (2000)

My Soul Keeper (2000)

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4.3 of 5 Votes: 3
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About book My Soul Keeper (2000)

4 or 5 stars. Did I love it? Yes. Is it up there with some of my 5 star reads? No. Why? Because this book here about made my damn head hurt! I think I needed to get out a pen and paper and write shit down so I could keep up. lolI was confused all the way to the end. Hell... I think I'm still confused and I'm finished with it. I'm not even going to try and explain it. Everyone should know by now that I don't write reviews. I mostly just voice my opinions. I only know how to read it and either bitch about it or tell you I loved it. lolThere was a lot going on! It was full of drama and some high sexual tension. I loved Simone and Shamar. No he didn't really look like Shamar Moore from Criminal Minds. lol Simone was super responsible. Shamar was sweet and super sexy! I also really loved her best friend Leah and her boy toy Liam. Leah cracked me up! She was constantly drooling or eye fucking all the delicious eye candy. If you like to read about angels, soul keepers, death and the devil himself. Dive on in:-)I really hope we are going to get to read more about Simone and Shamar. Ker Dukey kind of hinted around that we might at the end. I hope she doesn't forget. **This wasn't a dark read to me like Empathy was.** This is the first book that I have read by the author and I aboustley loved this paranormal novel. I was drawn into the story right from the word go. Loved the two different pov going off in the book and that thought out the book kept on learning more about each charchter in the story.just when thought I had gotten over one shock of a twist and secret reviled,and I knew what was going on somthing else spectacular was reviled.I didn't want this book to end, had me gripped all the way through. I really hope there is more to come from these charchter's.

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I can't even put into words what think book made me feel, think and read. So . . . Thank you

I can't tell you how much I loved this book. It was an amazing read.

Good plot line. Well told but just cant Love nor Hate it......

LOVED IT!!!!!!!!! :)

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