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My Skater Boy (2013)

My Skater Boy (2013)

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4.25 of 5 Votes: 2
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Kay Manis

About book My Skater Boy (2013)

Perfect Ending!My Skater Boy is the conclusion to Rory and Hindley's story and how their relationship flourishes. It doesn't come easy for either of them and when Hindley is threatened, Rory is always there to save the day.He is one force to be reckoned with and I think I'm still drooling over hims and will for a long, long time. I know I will never look at Miss Kitty merchandise the same again! Love it Kay!! oh my its awesome to finish reading about Hindley and Rory and find out how they continued to deal with the secrets of their past. This book is a great read and the way it's written makes the characters feel real. You feel their pain, pleasure, and depression. Keep the tissues handy for this book.I would suggest this read to anyone that enjoys romance. And make sure you buy both books because you will want the whole of the story. I was given this book in exchange for an honest review.

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LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Was unexpected and SO amazing!

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