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My Little Blue Dress (2002)

My Little Blue Dress (2002)

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2.78 of 5 Votes: 3
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0142000485 (ISBN13: 9780142000489)
penguin books

About book My Little Blue Dress (2002)

I don't even know how to describe this book. It really bugged me in the beginning. A five year old that talks like a 20 year old. Don't think so..The book is more bareable now that I am half through it and chicky is in her 40s or something... ok. Now that I have finished the book...I gave it 3 stars, but honestly the book was only ok. I didn't like it, but I didn't dislike it either. Part of my disdain could be from reading what are supposed to be reviews on here, but end up being more like a summary of the book. Kinda gives it away don't you think people?My friend said that the book read like it had been thrown together. She is right. It does. And once you finih the book you understand why. Getting there though took a little effort. I usually read a book in a couple days tops unless there is something going on where I can't get book time in. This book took me a couple weeks becaue I just wasn't excited about it and I didn't rush back too it at every available moment.

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