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My Life In Loubies (2011)

My Life in Loubies (2011)

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2.65 of 5 Votes: 3
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0615461182 (ISBN13: 9780615461182)
Crane Lake

About book My Life In Loubies (2011)

I bought this book after reading the sample because I thought it showed promise.No! The main character is totally unlikeable and quite horrible - greedy, materialistic and self-centred. I never grew to like her over the course of the book. There are also apostrophe errors and other language mistakes that are fairly obvious.I would have given this only one star but the book was redeemed just a little bit at the end. Still, there are many other easy reads for you to enjoy without putting yourself through this one. This was really a 3.5 I had read a review of this a few years ago, then picked it up on Amazon, finally read it! Well written,I believe first novel (although the publishing part had more than a few mistakes, which at times, you needed to reread the sentence.. I find this happens in many e-books, but this one more so) Other than that, a fun, good read! Vanessa is a great character, I found I was always pulling for her to do the right thing & she did (most of the time). Besides a good story, there was also a great message & I especially liked that about this book!

Do You like book My Life In Loubies (2011)?

Great, fun read. Especially if you love New York, fashion, Palm Beach or all of the above!

Nothing to write home about. I wanted an easy, girlie read and it served its purpose.

meh. would be a good beach / plane read.

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