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My Laugh Comes Last (2002)

My Laugh Comes Last (2002)

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3.77 of 5 Votes: 3
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1842324152 (ISBN13: 9781842324158)
house of stratus

About book My Laugh Comes Last (2002)

This was a great thriller novel that I have read more than 3-4 times in my life .The author had given soo much life to this book....that i did enjoyed alot....The story is bout a guy - Larry Lucas who is a small time worker, he approached by a millionaire -Farell Brannigan & assist him and start a new bank in town, which should be the safest in the world.Thrilled by the offer,Larry jumps for it, starts minting money and enters high class circles, only to come across a series of problems on the way,involving deception, hypocrisy, treachery, murder, blackmail.The rest of the story is about how and whether Larry is able to deal with and survive it all.Cool novel.

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