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My Clarity (2000)

My Clarity (2000)

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About book My Clarity (2000)

its a lovely story, based on 2 people who are from 2 different lifestyles, but both suffer heart ache, they become friends but there is an attraction there, lack of trust and being unsure they dont take that step, when obstacles are over come then the heart comes a calling!! i enjoyed this book, i like the characters, i like how they accept one another for who they are and i like that it is an easy read. Loved, loved, loved this book. It was a new adult read with a difference, the beginning had me feeling so emotional, oh my it was so sad. Not ugly cry sad but close to tears falling from the eyes but not quite, i held it together but only just. Alex is a character who you feel dearly for she has been through so much and then once she hopes to be over the emotional ringer of what she leaves behind at home, she is put through it again by Elijah. You have to admire Elijah he is described as walking sin and he acts like it as well. Yet even though he can be an arse to Alex there was a moment where he relived his past and i must say i found that bit more emotional than the beginning of the book. Lexi is a great supporting character and she stands with Alex and i loved her spunkiness. This is my first M. Shiver novel and i will be reading more from her for sure, this book just flew by when reading it but in the good way where you could not put the book down.

Do You like book My Clarity (2000)?

The first half was okay but it got way too cheesy, boring, and predictable towards the end.

One word, five letters . . . LOVED. Yep, that about sums up my review ;)

So damn corny

4.5 stars


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