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My Best Friend Is As Sharp As A Pencil: And Other Funny Classroom Portraits (2010)

My Best Friend Is As Sharp As a Pencil: And Other Funny Classroom Portraits (2010)

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3.68 of 5 Votes: 2
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0375956298 (ISBN13: 9780375956294)
Schwartz & Wade

About book My Best Friend Is As Sharp As A Pencil: And Other Funny Classroom Portraits (2010)

A fun & artistic story about a schoolgirl who decides to animate a day about school to her grandmother. Her classmates characters were artistically described followed by very good illustrations. I read this to class groups of 3rd & 5th graders for Dr. Seuss' Read Across America & the classes enjoyed the story very much and loved the different mediums of art. In another class, the students tried to describe each person described in the story. Great story. The books should be made available in a bigger size for class sizes to enjoy. What a fabulous book to teach metaphors and similes! Using ordinary and every day objects, this little girl creates classroom portraits. For example her art teacher is someone who is as mysterious as dark glasses, as artistic as a paint palette and always so colorful like her crayons...then his portrait uses all of those objects. The artwork is creative and fun. It would be fun to use this book at the beginning of the year as a classroom introduction as the kids could create their own portrait describing themselves

Do You like book My Best Friend Is As Sharp As A Pencil: And Other Funny Classroom Portraits (2010)?

Interesting way of describing the people in her class. Illustration/pictures are cool.

Would be great to use with a class to make their own collages. Not sure it is for BMJ.

a book full of metaphors

Smilies and metaphors

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