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My Antonia And O Pioneers! (Large Print Edition) (2013)

My Antonia and O Pioneers! (Large Print Edition) (2013)

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1492189960 (ISBN13: 9781492189961)
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About book My Antonia And O Pioneers! (Large Print Edition) (2013)

I personally found this book to be quite wonderful...Willa Cather positively brings it to life with her glorious imagery. You honestly begin to feel as if you know these well-written characters and places personally...and you mourn their tragedies and exclaim their triumphs as if they are your closest friends.While I was not looking forward to reading this book, (I usually don't explore this genre), I enjoyed it immensely, and recommend it to anyone who can give their entire heart to a story. I really loved the descriptions in this book. The landscape, the people, and the events were all vividly created. There were a few somewhat shockig and memorable passages. However, I kept waiting for a dramatic climax, which did not seem to come. This is definitely a classic story, not a modern novel. There is an art to this type of story-telling of a simpler (not easier) life. One who appreciates tales of endurance and perseverance would enjoy this book.

Do You like book My Antonia And O Pioneers! (Large Print Edition) (2013)?

I didn't think I would like Cather before I started reading her. Both were really good.

Haven't read O Pioneers, but My Antonia is one of my all time favorites!

Loved My Antonia and Song of the Lark!

Beautifully written

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