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Mush!: Sled Dogs With Issues (2011)

Mush!: Sled Dogs with Issues (2011)

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3.28 of 5 Votes: 4
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1596434570 (ISBN13: 9781596434578)
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About book Mush!: Sled Dogs With Issues (2011)

Overall it was a funny, short read. I enjoyed it for what it was, an in between book (a quick read in between the books that you are really trying to get to). And silly me, I thought the dogs issues would include the little things like snow, food, and fleas. However, these dogs apparently have serious issues, including a love triangle and job performance anxiety. Top it all off with a little psychological debate and you have one interesting read. My feelings on this book are pretty neutral, mostly because it turned out to just not really be my cup of tea. One of the best points for me was probably the art. It was really nice; the characters all looked distinctive (which isn't always the case with animal characters, in my experience), and their emotions were shown very clearly through their expressions and body language (also not always the case with non-human characters). The style was just really great, and made all the dogs seem so endearing!The story was nice enough, although I found it a bit dull and very predictable.All around I'd say it was a nice, light-hearted read, and the reason I'm not very enthused about it is probably just because, like I said, it turned out to not really be my cup of tea.(I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads. Unfortunately, it arrived much, much later than the site told me it should, to the point that I marked it as 'not received'. I didn't receive it before the general release date, and so couldn't leave an advanced review. At least I received it eventually, though, which I'm quite grateful for!)

Do You like book Mush!: Sled Dogs With Issues (2011)?

this artist's style isn't my favorite, but the writing made up for it. wasn't hysterically funny.

cute, but nothing great. Middle school-ish reading level. Not really my sense of humor.

Comic book with crummy art and dumb stories. Our hero is an insensitive, selfish clod.

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