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Murder, Simply Stitched (2014)

Murder, Simply Stitched (2014)

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4.21 of 5 Votes: 5
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0451413644 (ISBN13: 9780451413642)

About book Murder, Simply Stitched (2014)

Since I don't normally write reviews unless I have something specific to say, here's the break down of how I rate my books...1 star... This book was bad, so bad I may have given up and skipped to the end. I will avoid this author like the plague in the future.2 stars... This book was not very good, and I won't be reading any more from the author.3 stars... This book was ok, but I won't go out of my way to read more, But if I find another book by the author for under a dollar I'd pick it up.4 stars... I really enjoyed this book and will definitely be on the look out to pick up more from the series/author.5 stars... I loved this book! It has earned a permanent home in my collection and I'll be picking up the rest of the series and other books from the author ASAP. Angie (from Texas) inherited her aunt's quilt shop in Holmes County, Ohio and she is making a place for herself in the town.She is selling a few of her aunt's quilts at the Amish auction to have a bit of a cushion for the lean winter months when the tourists are scarce. Unfortunately, as Angie is at the auction, she finds a town trustee dead behind the auction barn. And her friend is suspected in the murder as the friend and her husband are trying to start a new business in town and the trustee wasn't very happy about the new business.

Do You like book Murder, Simply Stitched (2014)?

I didn't see that one coming! Just as good, if not better than the first book in the series.

A solid sequel to this very enjoyable series.

Can't wait for the next one!

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