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Murder On Olympus (2013)

Murder on Olympus (2013)

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3.78 of 5 Votes: 3
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0985023066 (ISBN13: 9780985023065)
Dragonfairy Press

About book Murder On Olympus (2013)

Fun read. Characters not just cardboard cut-outs, Gods included. Could have easily crossed the line into silliness but Warren keep it this side of the line . . . the concept a bit disconcerting--but so well done and the concept presented so low-key and matter of fact that you can't help but just accept it is reality. Zeus and Hera, Poseidon, Dionysus, Hermes, Hades, Aphrodite -- and maybe, somewhere it is. Good murder plot, well solved and misses being contrived. Looking forward to reading Olympus Confidential. OK, I love Greek mythology, fantasy and murder mysteries, so this one all my favourite elements. It was fairly quick paced and I appreciate how the Gods mingle with mortals in this story. I was pleased to not be able to predict the outcome, but there just seemed to be something missing for me. I really wanted to give four stars, but feel obliged to only give three. I still enjoyed the tale though.

Do You like book Murder On Olympus (2013)?

Touches of a traditional mystery mixed with elements of fantasy making for a very entertaining read.

Would have been better if it was shorter and presented as a graphic novel.

Good mystery, well written with characters that you care about.

A fun fantasy read.

review to come....

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