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Much Loved (2013)

Much Loved (2013)

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4.25 of 5 Votes: 2
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1419710125 (ISBN13: 9781419710124)
Harry N. Abrams

About book Much Loved (2013)

I was expecting a heartfelt homage to childhood's stuffed animal friends. The very short stories about these beloved creatures were sweet and endearing, but the photos, for the most part, were enough to give someone nightmares. A few of the toys featured were completely unidentifiable as any sort of animal. Perhaps I am not as sentimental as I thought, but no loving memories could get me to hold on to something that clearly had passed its prime, and its recognizability, years ago. if you've ever had a stuffed animal you couldn't live without, or even if you didn't this book is absolutely amazing. if you have an old friend and this book will make you want to seek them out just to see how their doing(unless they're sitting next to you). this book had pitures of a wide range of childrens and adults well loved stuffed animals as well as their heartwarming stories. there were a few animals that had been very loved. one that caught my eye was a giraffe, i believe jeffy, was so loved and i mean loved to the point he was almost all strings, a head, and new red sweater who was just less than ten years old. another was a bear over a hundred years old who still still a full bear. addtionally, there were others who had been fixed up or 'hospitalized' and given a new lease on life. each had their own unique story or tale of how much they had been loved and ment to their owners. memories will be stirred and tears maybe shed but well worth it! i hope this book will eventually have an 'even more much loved' title in the future. would love a pairing with the doll and bear hospital to hear stories and see the before/after pictures for some of their 'patients'.p.s. i'm off to say hi to pj the sightless raccoon (his big tummy made a most comfortable pillow), and starbright who could not be left alone so grandma and grandpa had to watch him while i was away on vacation.

Do You like book Much Loved (2013)?

Such a charming book and read. It makes me think of my childhood growing up with stuffed animals.

My bunny's name was Berrington and I intend to be buried with him someday.

This is such a beautiful book.

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