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Mr. Malcolm's List (2009)

Mr. Malcolm's List (2009)

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3.54 of 5 Votes: 3
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0982368208 (ISBN13: 9780982368206)
Lemoyne House

About book Mr. Malcolm's List (2009)

Hmm... Well, I really liked the first half of the book. Allain does a nice job of incorporating almost satirical humor as the characters meet, and develop feelings for each other. The storyline follows as one might predict from the synopsis, with: the heroine being roped into a scheme to humiliate the hero, the heroine and hero falling in love with each other, the hero believing the heroine was involved in treachery, and then the fallout. It was this last point I wasn't crazy about, because Allain took the entire second half of the book for the the couple to mope and bicker before declaring their love for each other. My major issue with this approach (having the climax occur so early) is that the excitement is mostly over by the end. So not a particularly satisfying read, but there were some strengths to the work. I started this book last evening, having read the first chapter online, and could not put it down. I recently discovered the Pink Carnation series by Lauren Willig and this was very similar in atmosphere and temper. Light-hearted, well crafted, and a very easy read. I think that fans of Georgette Heyer and Jane Austen will find this book a pleasant romp. Mr. Malcolm is reminiscent of Mr. Darcy, a bit rigid in the beginning but quite pliable in the end. I read this in a single sitting. It is a very quick read ane a quite enjoyable one! I am now very interested in reading Ms. Allain's other novel, Incognito.

Do You like book Mr. Malcolm's List (2009)?

Very fun read for all fans of Jane Austen type books with a bit of French Farce.

I LOVED this book! Such fun dialogue and a fast, easy read. Thanks Becky :D

A frothy, upbeat Regency Romance with some engaging characters.

A cute, quick read.

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