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Mouseton Abbey: The Missing Diamond (2013)

Mouseton Abbey: The Missing Diamond (2013)

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3.81 of 5 Votes: 5
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1782355871 (ISBN13: 9781782355878)
Make Believe Ideas

About book Mouseton Abbey: The Missing Diamond (2013)

What a clever book! The artwork is fun and exciting. The little mice are knitted and posed in different rooms in the estate called Mouseton Abbey. The story is's a mystery of the missing cheesy diamond. My daughter loves mysteries and I thought this spin on my favorite PBS series was brilliant. She enjoyed the story and appreciated the art. After reading it out loud to me, she went back through the book to look at the pictures. I love books that are unique and clever and this one is a keeper! The artwork is really great with pencil and watercolor like drawings and fabric sewn mice characters against that. The Downton Abbey connection is very cute and ties in nicely to the show. It's an adorable gift book that I received and I love it on my shelf. Reading to kids though, the story could have been longer or had a bit more detail, even for a picture book, but I suppose it's worth trying out first to see how kids react!

Do You like book Mouseton Abbey: The Missing Diamond (2013)?

Cute, but I would've preferred real mice instead of knitted ones. I liked "Downton Tabby" better.

The plot is lame, but the concept is really delightful, and I love anthropomorphic mice.

Knit mice looking for the missing Cheese Diamond - what's not to like?

The book was "cheesy". The knitted mice however, were too adorable!


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