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Most Evil: Avenger, Zodiac, And The Further Serial Murders Of Dr. George Hill Hodel (2009)

Most Evil: Avenger, Zodiac, and the Further Serial Murders of Dr. George Hill Hodel (2009)

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3.39 of 5 Votes: 2
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0525951326 (ISBN13: 9780525951322)
Dutton Adult

About book Most Evil: Avenger, Zodiac, And The Further Serial Murders Of Dr. George Hill Hodel (2009)

Oh my this guy again ! This man needs medical help ,for he is truly not of this earth ! Mr Hodel claims to solve every crime in modern history ,without walking out his front door ! His dad did em all ! Black Dahlia,Zodiac ...etc ! If you know the facts on some of these cases (As I do ) ,you will throw this in the air several times as you laugh uncontrollably or maybe just shake your head and ask "What the fuck ? " Avoid this one folks ,trust me ! Hodel provides incredible evidence to prove that his father was the Black Dahlia, Zodiac, Lipstick, and Jigsaw killer. I opened this book slightly rolling my eyes--I had read his previous work, "The Black Dahlia Avenger" which provided hard-to-ignore proof that his father was the Black Dahlia's murderer, but to me it seemed a tad far-fetched that Dr. Hodel could be so many serial killers in one. I came away a believer after seeing the physical and circumstantial evidence the author provides. The only thing about this book that I'm critical about is how it feels that the reader must read "The Black Dahlia Avenger" beforehand to understand what Hodel is talking about in regard to the Black Dahlia Murder--this book seems to start up right where TBDA ends, and doesn't include much of the Black Dahlia murder (and the other murders mentioned in the TBDA that relate to the Black Dahlia murder) conclusions that Hodel had drawn.

Do You like book Most Evil: Avenger, Zodiac, And The Further Serial Murders Of Dr. George Hill Hodel (2009)?

I usually hate non-fiction, but this had me hooked the entire time.

Only finished it because I was hoping for something of substance.

Interesting, but the premise seems a bit stretched.

Pretty good for a true crime fanatic like me!

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